Category Archives: James Churchward Lost Continent of Mu, il continente perduto: Churchward ci parla di Lemuria.

Italian: Lost Continent of Mu, il continente perduto: Churchward ci parla di Lemuria.
Translated in English as: Lost Continent of Mu, the lost continent: Churchward tells us about Lemuria.

The website interviewed me back in May 2021 and they wrote an article (see link above.)
I must admit the interview was highly edited.

James Churchward’s Last Book…

In previous posts I have mentioned the names of James Churchward’s unpublished manuscripts. For instance earlier this year in James Churchward’s Lost Manuscripts on Mu.
His short volume 1927 entitled, Copies of Stone Tablets Found by William Niven at Santiago Ahuizoctla Near Mexico City is contained in my book, The Stone Tablets of Mu.
And there are some I am not yet at liberty to divulge and there may be some in your attic if you recognize the people in these pictures and video.

I happened to run across the front page article from the Los Angeles Times from January 5, 1936 which mentioned he had moved to Los Angeles from his home in Mount Vernon for health reasons and to finish his fifth book, Shadows of America’s Great Past.

January 5, 1936 Los Angeles Times

His death was also covered in the Oakland Tribune and included a picture.

January 8, 1936 Oakland Tribune

James is buried in Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, New York.

Images Surface from Mu Lecture part 7

Part 7
I recently received an email from Tim Walsh of the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut concerning some lantern slides being held in their collection. Apparently they are from a presentation on the Lost Continent of Mu, but whether or not they were used by James Churchward is unknown.

List of names for each section of the presentation

Here are the slides in the seventh section entitled:

Mound Builder’s Writings
Easter Island Sacred Writing

Section 7 Title Slide
Courtesy of Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT

Mound Builders Symbols
Courtesy of Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT

Easter I Writing
Courtesy of Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT

Vignettes Sacred Writing
Courtesy of Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT

Calendar Stone Mound Bd.
Courtesy of Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT

Vase Mound Builders
Courtesy of Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT

Tablets Crosses
Courtesy of Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT

Images Surface from Mu Lecture part 1
Images Surface from Mu Lecture part 2
Images Surface from Mu Lecture part 3
Images Surface from Mu Lecture part 4
Images Surface from Mu Lecture part 5
Images Surface from Mu Lecture part 6