Category Archives: Ancient Relics

These posts discuss physical evidence of daily life from Mu

Does New Discovery in China Reveal Relics from the Great Uighur Empire?

A July 2012 article entitled, “Pottery 20,000 years old found in a Chinese cave,” presents evidence for pottery at a date much older than previously found.

The discovery in Jiangxi province of China (see map below,) purports to have dated the pottery to 20,000 years ago with radio-carbon techniques.

From James Churchward’s 1931 “Children of Mu” page 227:

Uighur Empire of the Tertiary Era, I mean the Uighur
Empire of 20,000 years ago-before the Magnetic Cata-
clysm which was the Biblical “Flood,” before the mythi-
cal geological “Glacial Period,” and before the time when
the mountains were raised.

So, combined with the map he provided (see below,) these shards of pottery could be proof that the Great Uighur Empire did exist. Other discoveries in the cave and surrounding area could help solidify the claim. We have to wait until all the evidence is provided.

There is a page on the website devoted entirely to the Great Uighur Empire and a mailing list for discussion. Please visit to read more information about the Great Uighur Empire.

Have a great day,
Jack Churchward

Update to ‘Relics of Mu’ Podcast

In a March 2007 podcast, I posted the latest information about one of the few relics from James Churchward’s book on the Lost Continent of Mu.

Click on image for larger version

James described it in the 1931 Lost Continent of Mu as follows:

A Relic from Mu
“This is believed to be the oldest jar ever uncovered. It is made of bronze, inlaid with gold symbols, and was taken from one of Mu’s submerged cities. It is estimated to be over 12,500 years old.”

In that podcast, it was related that the vessel had surfaced and been evaluated by a member of the staff at the British Museum. It was identified as late 18th to early 19th century from India, however the inscription was not translated.

Click on images for larger version

I recently received an email from Alexander Voronin, President of the Russian Society on Studying of Problems of Atlantis with the translation. According to his colleague, Willie Melnikov, the inscription (in the Gudgarati language) reads:

Master Nedge did for all.

Have a great day,
Jack Churchward

Another Submerged Civilization Rises

In a posting from April of last year entitled, “James Churchward’s Western India Discovery?,” I made mention of the discovery off the western coast of India of a 14 km wall and how it might be correlated to observations that James made in his 1932 book, ‘Children of Mu.’

Another recent news report indicates the discovery of yet another submerged wall, this one being 24 km long and it has been dated to 8,000 years old. In “A civilisation as old as Indus valley?,” the researchers have dated the wall on the basis of sea level mapping. A slideshow entitled, “Photos: 8000-year-old advanced civilisation in Konkan Coast?” shows the location and unless the ‘photos’ are photoshopped, the structures are visible in Google maps.

This is another example to indicate that James Churchward and what he wrote can’t be dismissed out of hand. These articles point to enormous stone structures from an unknown civilization that either had help from Ancient Aliens or they figured out how to organize the logistics for an enormous civil works project (24 km X 3m X 3m.) While the first is an intriguing thought, the latter, if true shows that an ‘advanced’ (if organizational and logistical skills count) civilization existed 8,000 years ago.

Wasn’t that what James wrote about?