Category Archives: Ancient Relics

These posts discuss physical evidence of daily life from Mu

Rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets March 2011 Update

I recently spoke with Thomas Ritter concerning the rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets

Here are the images:

Gopuram (Gate Tower) of the Sri Ekambaranatha Temple in Kanchipuram

and here another picture of the Gate Tower of the Shree Ekambaranatha Temple at Kanchipuram

I made a map from the subterranean tunnel system in which the library is stored away

view of the temple

In the subterranean system there are 10 chambers. In 9 chambers they stored the tablets. In the first 3 chambers the tablets are made fom solid black stone. In the next 3 chambers the tablets are made from gold. In tha last 3 chambers the tablets made from solid silver and brass and an mix of metals wat they callad pachalogha – the so called five holy metals. The 10th chamber is like an small temple with an black Shiva lingam and the statues of the seven holy rishis. In the 9 chambers you find some inscriptions at the walls – they describe the rishis puranas, what means, the live and the deeds of the rishis. I made some pictures from these inscriptions.

second inscription

third inscription

fourth inscription

At chamber no. 1 and chamber no. 4 the priest, who guided me down there to to library, allowed me to take some pictures of the tablets. As attachment of this mail you see one tablet from chamber no. 1

At chamber no. 4 the priest only allowed me to take pictures from 2 tablets, not from all this books there. The 2 tablets he showed me, are a ittle bit damaged. But you can see clearly the inscriptions.

The second tablet from chamber no. 4

Athe end of my visit at this subterranean library the priest, who guided me (his name is Pachayappa), presented a small gift to me. This very small tablet is made from brass, in my opinion. I am not very sure, if it was part of the tablets down there at the library of MU or it was made later. But Pachayappa told me, that the inscriptions at these small tablet are some kind of key to the understanding of the inscriptions of the other tablets. This small item is still with me and I am trying to breach its code. But surely I will need a little help.


Update on the Rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets (Jan. 2011)


I spoke with Klaus Dona recently via Skype and he pointed out an article, in German, under the title, “Die goldene Tempelbibliothek von Mu (The Golden Temple Library of Mu ).”
In the online Google translation of the article into English, it appears that Thomas Ritter has found the Temple Library that James Churchward wrote about in the Lost Continent of Mu. The article further states that the priests still like to talk about James.

Mr. Dona also mentioned that Mr. Ritter would be returning soon and would pass along my contact information. I hope to have an interview with Mr. Ritter and/or obtain a statement about his discoveries soon thereafter. If these artifacts turn out to be the real Naacal tablets that James wrote about, then his theories will finally be acceptable to mainstream archaeologists, but it has to be asked, who will translate them if the Rishis are gone?

Have a great day,
Jack Churchward

Update on Naacal Tablets Discovery (2)

Testing for the validity of the rediscovered Naacal Tablets

An important topic for discussion – what tests should be performed on the newly rediscovered Naacal Tablets when they appear?
I am looking for input on the subject.
Publishing a complete list prior to the Naacal tablets being produced might be counter-productive. Some might say that the test criteria was released in advance so that the discovery could fulfil the requirements, however a list of suggestions of what might be on the list would be beneficial to get the thinking ‘out of the box.’
A list has been started and will be posted (with any suggestions) when the find has been announced and the Naacal Tablets produced.

Also, a list of ‘hard questions to be asked’ is also needed.
For instance, if the civilization in Mu was so advanced that the records speak of flying around in man-made machines, why were the sacred writing of Mu written on clay tablets instead of being etched on metal? Certainly the flying machines were made of metal…

Testing for the validity of the rediscovered Naacal Tablets” is a discussion topic opened in the Forum for this very purpose.