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2013 My-Mu.com Research Update
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Human Sub-species Delineation Started
Not allowing the dust to settle from my last mistaken pronouncement, there is now evidence to suggest that humans are actually a sub-species. The news from the Mail Online (UK) in an article entitled, Neanderthal viruses dating back 500,000 years discovered in modern human DNA relates that researchers have reached the conclusion that Neanderthals and Denisovans descended from a common ancestor. What was not specifically mentioned was whether or not humans are also a sub-species of this ‘Mystery Hominid.’ I received that impression since they found the evidence in the DNA of human cancer patients.
Researchers compared DNA from Neanderthals and another group of ancient humans called Denisovans with that obtained from cancer patients. They found evidence of Neanderthal and Denisovan viruses in the modern DNA, suggesting that they originated in a common ancestor more than half a million years ago.
James’ thoughts were:
In their excitement over the discovery of a few old human bones, such as the Neanderthal, Piltdown, and Heidelberg man, scientists, in both Europe and America, have completely ignored and cast aside the remains of ancient man in North America. That the European remains were those of idiots and degenerates is obvious from the abnormal shapes of their skulls. Doubtless they were outcasts from civilized communities.
From Valmiki, Druidical works, the Popol Vuh and other ancient writings we learn that such characters were driven into the forests, there to live and die like the beasts. It would appear from many ancient writings that the usual method of disposing of bodies was by cremation, consequently there remained no trace of those whose bones had been consumed by fire.
The Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Man page 171
Were the ‘lesser’ sub-species really degenerates or should recent research be considered that indicates the opposite?
Some might consider that this news invalidates the theory of human evolution because we all share a common ancestor, as well as sharing DNA with Neanderthals and Denisovans humans.
On the other hand, the study of our ancestry does begin to look more like a genetics experiment than natural selection.
Have a great day.
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More Ancient Tools Are Cause to Wonder
My great-grandfather, James Churchward, postulated that a now sunken continent existed in the Pacific Ocean and wrote a few books concerning his theories in the late 1920s to mid 1930s.
In his book, Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men, he wrote:
I have shown that man was on earth and in a high state of civilization during the later part of the Tertiary Era, from the quality and perfection of his works. It is shown that he must have been in existence an immensely long time before the end of the Tertiary Era. This would certainly carry him back contemporary with the first apes who resembled men.
Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men, page 310
Now, the Tertiary geological period is from 65 million to 2.6 million years ago and obviously James didn’t believe in evolution.
In another post, I brought up newly discovered research that indicates human interaction with other hominids at least 30,000 years ago, if not earlier. There was also the post about the five (5) skulls discovered in Dmanisi, Georgia that indicated the number of our earlier ancestors may have been overstated. Examining the dimensional variation in that small population showed that they were within the same limits as current humans, although the archaeologists originally thought they may have been different peoples/hominids.
A paper about a dig in Gademotta, Ethiopia indicates that manufactured stone projectiles have been discovered that date back to 279,000 years ago. Previously, the earliest stone projectiles had been dated to only 80,000 years ago.
So, we have evidence of ancient tool building hominids that stretch back into an era where humans supposedly didn’t exist and the number of human ‘ancestors’ have to be recounted. There is obviously more research required, but it begs the question, could there have been an ancient high civilization that did succumb to some cataclysm and where do we go now to find the answer to the question?
Have a great day.
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