Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Evidence of Ancient Humans in Mediterranean Sea

In November 2012, an article entitled, “Ancient Mariners: Did Neanderthals Sail to Mediterranean?” was published that hints at hominid occupation dating back to 170,000 years ago.
From the article:

“If the ancient finds in the Mediterranean can be verified, they will show that Homo erectus or Neanderthals or both had the skills and cognitive ability to build boats and navigate them,” Simmons said.

The dating of the tools found indicate (to the author) that the habitations found are earlier than modern humans, obviously (to the author) the folks that lived here were Homo Erectus or Neaderthal.

On the other hand, why can’t this be evidence of modern humans?

Just because we have yet to discover the evidence of ‘modern human type’ from that age doesn’t mean that eventually something may be uncovered.

On the other hand, some scientists are speculating that the people of today are a mixture of Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, and Denisovans. Maybe there will be more discoveries that widen our family tree even bigger.

Have a great day.

Review of “Mu Revealed”

“Mu Revealed” is advertised as the 6th in a series on the cover and a list of ‘other books in the Mu series’ is provided inside.

The first part of the book published in 1970 describes the details of the Dr. Reesdon Hurdlop expedition to the Valley of Mexico to gather evidence to prove the existence of Mu. Sponsored by the Marquina-Jolicoeur Institute of London, Drs. Hurdlop, Maude N. Robat and Raymond Buckland as well as author Tony Earll are parties to an excavation of one of William Niven’s sites near Mexico City. This dig completes the investigation only partially excavated by Niven (according to the author.) After reaching the lowest level encountered by Niven and underneath a stone slab in that floor, a small stone sarcophagus was discovered. The box was opened and inside were 69 papyrus scrolls that were subsequently dated to 23,000 years ago.

Part Two of “Mu Revealed” uses the translated scrolls to provide a description of Mu from the viewpoint of Kland, a neophyte priest of the Temple College of Mu. The 69 scrolls are purported to be his diary, saved from the cataclysm of volcanic action by being hidden under the floor. There are differences between Churchward’s description of Mu and that provided in “Mu Revealed.” Churchward always spoke of the inhabitants as without savagery, but with the description of the handling of an uprising, “Mu Revealed” rejects that premise. The book describes the people in greater detail than James’ written works and even includes an image of one of the scrolls – one thing that James never did with the Naacal Tablets. Another term mentioned in the context of the ancient civilization of Mu was slavery – a term unused in the original works. A final notable difference is the established pantheons. In “Mu Revealed” we are told that there are two ‘gods’ represented by the Sun and Moon. On the other hand, James concept of the religion followed by the people of Mu involved the ‘Great Cosmic Force.’ James’ understanding of the Great Cosmic Force was a common variable that was expressed in the entirety of James’ works. His interpretation of signs and symbols were derived from this understanding.

Part Three (a very short section,) provides more information in an attempt to collaborate Churchward’s theory of Mu. He also goes through some reasons that some of his conclusions differ from the original.

The forgoing was a brief summary of the contents of ‘Mu Revealed.’ As mentioned previously, the cover has the words ‘6th in a series’ and inside are listed the names of the other volumes, of which James Churchward wrote five. One might assume that Tony Earll, Reesdon Hurdlop and the Marquina-Jolicoeur Institute that sponsored the expedition were somehow officially authorized to bring their findings into the ‘official’ canon of James Churchward’s works. That assumption would be false. Written 34 years after James’ death, the book is/was not part of the “Mu series.” Another facet of “Mu Revealed” is that the author’s name on the front of the book, ‘Tony Earll’ is an anagram for ‘not really’ and ‘Reesdon Hurdlop’ is an anagram for ‘Rudolf Rednose.’ These anagrams appear to be deliberate inclusions in the text. According to ‘The Internet,’ the real author is Raymond Buckland, but not everything you read on ‘The Internet’ is true. I did confirm via email that Mr. Buckland is indeed the author of  ‘Mu Revealed.’ My request for an interview went unanswered. The only conclusion one can reach is that it is a work of fiction and the contents are a complete fabrication. The author does provide some quotes from James Churchward and the release closely followed the paperback republication of his works. I can’t speak for Mr. Buckland, but it is clear to me that ‘Mu Revealed’ was his attempt to introduce his interpretation of James’ theories into the ongoing revival of Churchward’s books (and to sell a few books by association.)

‘Mu Revealed’ is a work of fiction and is not part of the ‘Lost Continent of Mu’ series. In my opinion, I would not include references to ‘Mu Revealed’ as evidence enhancing the veracity of my great-grandfather’s theories.

Since I am not privy to all the details, nor can I read minds, I offer an open invitation for Mr. Buckland to respond as he sees fit with an entry in the guest blog. I will append the link to that response when available.

Thanks for visiting,
Jack Churchward

New Evidence Pushes Back on ‘Out of Africa’ Dating

According to an article entitled, “Earliest ‘completely modern’ skull which dates back 50 millennia suggests we left Africa 20,000 years earlier than expected” from ‘Mail Online (UK)’, evidence has been discovered in Asia that pushes back the date for human habitation another 20,000 years. A skull, found in Laos, has been dated to between 46,000 and 63,000 years old.

Of course, James didn’t believe that the human race came from Africa. According to all the evidence and his life experience, all human life sprung from the now sunken Pacific Ocean continent of Mu. According to his books, these remains would represent members of the Great Uighur Empire, the primary colony of Mu in Asia.

James’ “Map of the Great Uighur Empire from Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Man” (1926)

James wrote that the original explorers from Mu to the world were Mayas.

“These emigrant children of Mu were called Mayas. All who left the Motherland in any direction were called Mayas.”
James Churchward, Children of Mu, 1931, page 20

From the Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Man, 1926, page 106:

The Uighur was the principal colonial empire belong-
ing to Mu at the time of the Biblical “Flood,” which
destroyed its eastern half.
Chinese legends tell that the Uighurs were at the height
of their civilization about 17,000 years ago. This date
agrees with geological phenomena.
The Uighur Empire stretched its powerful arms from
the Pacific Ocean across Central Asia and into Eastern
Europe from the Caspian Sea on.

and from the Children of Mu, pages 216-217:

Legendary history gives all sorts of conflicting dates
as to when the Uighurs were in power. Fortunately, we
do not need to rely on legends, for in one of the
Tibetian monasteries are some Naacal writings. I quote
from one: “The Naacals, 70,000 years ago, brought to
the Uighur capital cities copies of the Sacred Inspired
Writings of the Motherland.” Legendary history states
that the Uighurs from the Motherland made their first
settlement in Asia, somewhere on the coast of the Yellow
Sea of today.

I had always been confused when James wrote the term ‘Maya-Uighur’ and did not understand, but obviously it refers to the folks that ventured west from Mu.

If this individual was one of the Naacal Brotherhood or one of James’ Maya explorers, then we should hope to see evidence of his/her association in the material near his grave, or, on the other hand, if they were such an advanced people that they didn’t need the normal material objects that we require, maybe there will be nothing. For instance, if their mental abilities allowed them to start fires, then we should stop looking for lighters.

Have a great day,
Jack Churchward
Clearwater, Florida