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Synopsis of the Earliest History of Central America and Yucatan

This is another article written by James Churchward. I am pretty sure that subsequent investigations, research, and common sense have shown the following material to be discredited. This article is being published in an effort to present a more complete picture of James’ theories for interested researchers and is NOT to be considered the opinion of Jack Churchward or Churchward & Co., Inc.

Editor Argus: – We constantly see a great deal written about the ruins of Yucatan and Central America. These writings appear to be exclusively guess work. Herewith is a short synopsis of the history of Yucatan, based on Maya writings, Maya inscriptions, Hindu records, Egyptian records, and Greek writings, and geological phenomena.

Synopsis of the Earliest History of Central America and Yucatan

According to traditions, the first people who inhabited Central America and Mexico were a white race.

Their last king was named Quetzal, sometimes he was called Quetzalcoatl, also Cucumatz.

How long this white race had been in America up to the time of Zuetxal (Quetzal ? ) has not been revealed. The end of this white race was; They were conquered by a people of darker skins called Maya who took and settled on the land. The Mayas were composed of several distinct tribes among them being various tribes of Mongols and Semitics.

When conquered, King Quetzal refused to surrender to become a slave to the conquerors, saying, “he would die in captivity.” So he, with a remnant of his white people took their ships and sailed to a far off land beyond the setting sun, i.e. , to the east of America. Quetzal and his people arrived safely at that far off land where they settled and became great again.

The people of this Quetzal settlement were the forefathers of the white races of Europe, except the Latin races, the Greeks, the Semitics and the Egyptians.

All these came to Europe later in the history of man’s colonization of the earth.

The American Mayas, the conquerors of Quetzal and the white race, were composed of Mongols and Semitics but dominated as a whole by another white race of a more swarthy complexion than the original white race. According to written history, they called the conquered lands Mayasc, from which the name Mexico of today came. Mayasc was the original name of Mexico, but Mayasc included Central America as well.

According to Maya and Hindoo records the Maya dominated this land for 18,000 years, during which time there were eleven separate dynasties of emperors or kings. The last dynasty was called the Cau dynasty and the preceeding one the PPeu Dynasty.

Each king or emperor assumed the title “son of the sun” to show that he came from the royal family of the earth’s first empire, “The Empire of the Sun.” The title “son of the sun” was the patent showing his royal descent.

During the time of the Mayas, the great structures, whose ruins we now find in Central America, Yucatan and Mexico, were erected. There were no distinctive people called Toltecs. Toltec means builder, therefore the Mayas were the Toltecs because they were the builders. The last dynasty was called the Cau dynasty. Cau was the family name of the royal family and Cau means serpent. When the Cau family became the royal family and its head the emperor, he adopted as his emblem, the great symbolical feathered serpent of creation. In these ancient days it was usual to carve in various places and to adorn all temples, palaces and the various governmental buildings with the symbol of the reigning family, – thus all such buildings having the feathered serpent carved upon them, show that they were either built by or during the reign of the Cau emperors. Maya history tells us most of the structures of Clucheu (Chichen ?) Itza, Uxmal and other cities in Yucatan were re-built by the last king Cau and for this reason we find the bulk of the ancient buildings in Yucatan adorned with carvings of the feathered serpent. Maya history does not supply us with the reason that these cities were built, but Egyptian temple histories do. They had been shaken down into ruins by earthquakes.

Some few structures still remain that were built during the PPeu Dynasty. These are known by the carvings of elephants’ heads on them. The elephant was the royal symbol of the PPeus. The last reigning monarch of the Cau dynasty was Queen Moo, who died 16,000 years ago on her return from a visit to the new Maya colony on the banks of the Nile Delta, at Sais.

Civil wars and internal strife sapped the vitals of the Mayax empire, so that surrounding peoples found them an easy prey, and thus virtually ended the old Mayax empire; it became split up into small kingdoms.

During the Maya ascendancy in America they pushed colonies eastward first to Atlantis then to southern Europe, Northern Africa and Asia Minor.

The Latin races, the Greeks, the Semitic races and the Egyptians are all descended from this migration.

From the end of the Cau dynasty down to the invasion by the Spaniards under Cortez, but little is known of what took place in Central America and Yucatan. Wars and invasions were constant. History records one prominent invasion by a people who came from the south, called Nahuates. Whether they were Mongol or not, we cannot say, but they were, without doubt a very highly enlightened people as they understood the origin and workings of the great forces far better than scientists of today. The date of this invasion is wrapped in mystery, Somewhere between 14,000 BC and 2,000 BC, a great cataclyom (cataclysm ?) swept over the whole land, wiping out all life and destroying the edifices. We get this from the Egyptian temple history. So that, today, there is not a single one of the ancient Mayas in existence in Central America and Yucatan. When the country became habitable again, races from surrounding lands drifted in and repopulated the land. Then our next bit of history is where the blood-thirsty Aztecs from the north swept down over the land, putting the men to the sword and taking the women into slavery. The Aztecs introduced the human sacrifice; before the time of the Aztecs offerings consisted of fruits and flowers, which was laid on an altar having the taw “T” associated with it. The taw is the symbol for resurrection and a picture of the constellation of the southern cross. When the southern cross appears over Central America and Yucatan, it brings the rain. Seeds spring forth from the ground, trees yield flowers and fruit, and al nature is again resurrected and brought into life. After reading the Egyptian tale of the Yucatan cataclyom (cataclysm ?). We asked some geologists who were going to Yucatan to examine the ground around some of the ruins and see if anything showing geologically of the flood. We got back the information from them that not only are the marks of a flood found around the Yucatan structures, but appears also around the Central American structures and monoliths, in very distinctive form.

We think we have perfect records of Central America and Mexico having been peopled by a very highly enlightened and cultured people, more than 35,000 years ago, and we have incontrovertible records and proof that the first people in Europe and Asia Minor came from America.

James Churchward

The Sun is Not a Superheated Body, He Declares

The following is a transcription of an undated newspaper article by James Churchward contained in one of his scrapbooks

Editor Argus: The orthodox theory about the sun is an exceedingly hot superheated body of over 15,000 degrees F or C, I do not remember which. That she is sending forth flames of an immense length which shoot through the sun’s atmosphere at about 400,000 miles per second; or about twice the velocity of light. That the sun’s heat warms all of the solar system, in other words our heat comes from the sun.

The sun is not a superheated body; it is a cool body but highly magnetic.

Our heat is an earthly force contained in the body of the earth and in the atmosphere.

A natural law is: the nearer we get to a source of heat so we find the temperature rising: but: the nearer we get to the sun so we find the temperature falls – the reverse to natural laws: therefore the sun is not the source of our heat, but, it comes from the earth.

The sun revolves on her axis and her poles oscillate, movements similar to those of the earth: therefore, the sun is governed by a superior sun. To be governed by a superior sun, our sun must be generating magnetic forces affinitive to the forces of the superior sun. To generate magnetic forces it is absolutely essential that that she have an outside hard crust: to be had (hard?) it must be cold, otherwise it would turn into gases; gases cannot generate magnetic forces. To control her movements; namely, revolving on her axis and oscillating her poles our sun must have a storehouse for her forces. Solid cold elements are the storehouses of forces: thus again it is shown that the sun’s crust like that of the earth is solid and cold.

The temperatures assigned to the sun would turn her into a mass of gases in a few days.

The sun’s so-called flames travel at 400,000 miles per second – where does resistance of the sun’s atmosphere come in here?

Flames of the magnitude of the so-called sun’s flames would have consumed her millions upon millions of years ago, and we should not be able today to worry about the eclipse.

The sun does not emit flames. What we see are light rays passing through the sun’s highly specialized atmosphere after having been divided and filtered out from the parent rays; on passing through the double layer of specialized clouds which envelop her body. What are known as heat rays cannot be seen nor are they recorded on the prism.

The shape of a ray is like a fine perfectly straight hair – the shape of a flame is wavy. Watch a searchlight throwing its rays into the sky, and watch the eclipse on Saturday. You will see no wavy line in the sun’s corona.

James Churchward

As an aside, this scrapbook page also contains a note about a presentation on WNYC entitled, “Pigmy Hunting in Central America” by Colonel Churchward. The scale is the same on the headline above and the radio program announcement below:

James Churchward & Woolly Mammoths

The recent news showing the frozen baby woolly mammoth reminded me that my great-grandfather’s scrapbooks had articles about woolly mammoths.

In the collection of newspaper clippings that I have labeled as “Scrapbook 2”, there are no less than five pages with articles on mammoths. I remember seeing a pamphlet where a private New York society club procured, shipped, prepared and served meat from a mammoth at a dinner. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find the pamphlet, but the fact that James Churchward had this brochure and collected the articles has me almost convinced that perhaps he attended this gala and actually consumed some of the ancient cadaver.


Click on picture for larger version.
Using the order in which they were scanned, the first was a ‘photograph’ of a man standing next to a ‘mammoth’ leg.


The second were comparison drawings of ancient mammoths, mastadons and today’s elephants.


The next article shows a shovel-tusked Mastadon.
Click on picture for larger version.


Click on image for complete picture.
The next pertinent article was the continuation of the story behind the Buriat woman named Liuba Lattik (pictured left) that served woolly mammoth in her Inn.


Click on image for complete picture.
This is the article where Russian Inspector Okuntsoff investigated a woman selling ‘whale steaks’ in far away Siberia. The ‘whale steaks’ turned out to be from a woolly mammoth that had been dead for thousands of years.

Whether or not James Churchward actually ate ancient mastadon or woolly mammoth meat, I’ll probably never know. He was interested in pachyderms and maybe the addition of these scanned images will fuel further debate on whether or not modern man has used the opportunity to taste this ancient culinary oddity.

Jack Churchward
Clearwater, Florida