Category Archives: Paintings

Another James Churchward Painting Surfaces – July 2015

I was contacted recently with news and a picture of another James Churchward painting…

Other works can be found here, here, and here.

Could this waterfall be the same as from the Hatherleigh Estate in Sri Lanka as captured in these pictures?

Another James Churchward Painting Surfaces – October 2014

Another kind person, Sue, sent an email with a picture of the painting below with James’ signature. Click on the picture for a larger version.

If anyone recognizes the location or if you have any further information on the painting, please send an email to either Sue or myself.


For the curious, the first painting, named “The Silver Hook” was reported in this blog on 10/23/11, and the second painting, named “Lake Katahdin Lake – Aroostook, Co. Maine.” was reported on 3/23/13, with a followup on the Silver Hook on 2/4/12.

Have a great day,
Jack Churchward

Another James Churchward Painting Appears…

Another miniature painting by James Churchward has been discovered. Dated 1904 and entitled, “Lake Katahdin Lake – Aroostook, Co. Maine.”

As the previous painting, it is small, measuring only 4 1/2 by 2 3/8 inches inside a 6 1/2 by 4 5/8 inch frame.


The caption reads:

Lake Katahdin Lake – Aroostock, Co. Maine.
One of the prettiest and best little trout lakes in Maine – also the best of hunting in the fall – Moose, Dear, Bear Foxes, Lynx, Panthers, and small game.


New York
Dec. 1904

Many of James’ books are illustrated by his hand. This painting is another example of his handiwork and background that permitted him to understand and communicate what he had learned about the ancient civilization that he called Mu.

A quick Google search provides another copyrighted painting from almost the same vantage point.

Have a great day