Category Archives: References to James’ work

These posts deal with what other authors have written about James’ works.

When Alternate Archaeology Becomes Deadly

Recently in central Florida two deputies were shot by a “sovereign” citizen as they attempted to remove him from his vehicle in a public park in the early morning hours. The shooter did not survive. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd’s press conference is shown in the video below:

The Muurish or Moorish or Washitaw nation is not a new organization, they claim to be the indigenous people of North America citing the works of my great-grandfather, James Churchward. I have interacted with members of the organization and have even written a blog post (Examining the ‘Mound Builder’s Calendar Stone’) and a video (James Churchward and the Muurish Empire Washita.)

The belief in being a sovereign citizen isn’t only taken up by members of the Empire Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah, there are a wide range of folks with this mistaken belief. This ’empire’ uses James Churchward’s theories to cite they are the indigenous people of North America and thereby attempt to exempt themselves from federal, state and local laws (ask Wesley Snipes if that works if you don’t pay your taxes.) Based solely on passages from the 1931 Children of Mu, the United Nations has recognized them as an indigenous people with all the rights (see the “United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples” on their webpage.) Article 4 states:

Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions.

Unfortunately, this has been interpreted to mean they are not bound by federal, state or local laws.

As Sheriff Judd says in the video, he could have walked away peaceably with no charges – instead, he decided to start shooting and ended up graveyard dead.
To be clear, not all sovereign citizens are a danger to themselves or others, but some are. This shooting didn’t have to happen. The sheriff’s deputies could be home with their families now instead of fighting for their lives and the mistaken young man could be alive and well spending time with his loved ones.

Please pray for the families of the officers and the mistaken young man.

Original James Churchward Documents For Sale

Recently, I received an email announcing “We are selling the original manuscript material for the book the land of Mu. You can find our catalog here:
May I kindly ask you to have a look.”

I looked at the ADAM WEINBERGER and KONSTANTINOPEL RARE & FINE BOOKS catalog and found on page 59 what is described as:


I will not spoil the surprise any further, you will want to check out what is being offered.

Have a great day.

Nan Madol Medallion Followup

Ten years ago, I received an image of a medallion found at Nan Madol in Pohnpei and I posted:

“After much research, he found out that it bears much similarity to a symbol associated with Mu” and asked what I thought.”

Pohnpei Pendant / Medallion

I looked through my great-grandfather’s materials and found nothing resembling the image and asked readers to send an email if they recognized the image.

Fast forward to 2023 and I received an email from Mariel Legria Sumallo (

I have read your post about Nan Madol and a symbol found there.

I am from the Philippines, from an Island that faces the Pacific Ocean – Eastern Samar.

Part of our tradition and written history attest of the arrival people from the Pacific. My village called Carolina, holds a tradition that a Princess arrived around 1628 and helped the locals during an epidemic.

We have some remilar images from the archaological finds from our island.

Subsequently he sent some images from Eastern Samar archaeological finds:

Eastern Samar is about 2300 miles (3700 km) from Nan Madol:

Whether or not there is a connection between the image sent in 2013 and the ones sent in 2023, I’ll leave it to the experts to decide.
If you have an opinion send an email and we’ll keep searching for answers.

btw – The earlier image is of modern design and not an ancient artifact.