The 1931 Children of Mu by James Churchward Dedication:
This work is dedicated to three great friends
Los Angeles, California
Oakland, California
Houston, Texas
whose brotherly love and assistance have enabled me to complete this work in its present detailed form.
Who were these three great friends and what impact did they have on James’ work?
No less than the New York Times describes Captain Salisbury as a British explorer and film director. One of his films was entitled, “Ra-Mu” and was released in February 1929.
Contained in James’ scrapbooks are the following articles concerning Captain Salisbury:
Glamour of Man’s Origin Is Told by Denver Visitor
June 2, 1929
Captain Edward Salisbury Is Noted Scientist and Soldier
Capt. Edward A. Salisbury, who has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles and has delved into the farthest nooks and corners of the world, arrived in Denver yesterday to spend his first vacation in 30 years in the Colorado mountains.
Captain Salisbury, soldier, scientist, author, gazed wistfully out of a 12th floor window of the Cosmopolitan Hotel and remarked that he could hardly believe he was in Denver. He had not been here since the day he was married, 30 years ago, in the Brown Palace Hotel. His wife has been dead for 20 years.
Tho he is vacationing, he cannot help talking about his work – collaborating with other scientists in the collection and analysis of prehistoric writings and tablets that throw light on the origin of man.
For years he has been closely associated with Col. James Churchward, leading British scientist who is credited with discovery of the first and only records of Mu, the “Motherland of Man,” a former continent in the Pacific.
“Colonel Churchward is now rather old and feeble,” he said. His greatest discoveries were made about 50 years ago, but not until the last two or three years have scientists appreciated their value.
Learns of Tablets
“It was 50 years ago when he was traveling in India and learned that at a temple of Nacal priests, 130 miles northeast of Calcutta, there were some old clay tablets that might throw some light on the origin of man.
“The priests would not let him see the tablets. Finally they showed him a broken one. He mended it for them so expertly that they let him study the others. One kindly priest became his friend and taught him the Nacal language and the language of Mu. Colonel Churchward is today the only white man who understands this language.
“After years of study, Colonel Churchward established as fact that the continent of Mu existed in what is now about the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Its northern limit was just north of Hawaii. Its southern limit was north of Australia and New Zealand. All that remains of it are the many groups of South Sea Islands. Mu had 65,000,000 inhabitants. That was from 75,000 to 100,000 years ago.
“Records discovered by Colonel Churchward and others working with him together with facts established by geologists have proved that Mu was partially destroyed 15,000 years ago, and the destruction was completed 3,000 years later. The continent was underlaid with gas belts, some of which exploded into volcanic action, while others just collapsed.”
Strange Canal
Captain Salisbury talked in this connection about the strange canal, 15,000 feet above sea level in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador, South America. Running from east to west, only a small part of this canal remains. It is 60 feet wide and now only six to eight feet deep.
“This canal was always supposed to have some prehistoric significance, but it was my friend, Churchward, who discovered from old stone and clay tablets the real meaning,” he explained. “Before the cataclysm of 15,000 years ago in the Pacific, that was a sea-level canal, running across a lowlands from what is the west coast of South America to a great inland sea, that is now the valley of the Amazon River. It was by the canal that the negro race originally migrated from the continent of Mu, across South America to the Atlantic, across straits to the continent of Atlantis, and thence to Africa.”
Captain Salisbury would talk but little of his own work, which has been collaboration with Churchward and a score of other scientists.
Is Given Palace
He did admit that he is just returned from a six-years exploration tour of the tropical islands, visiting almost every island in the South Pacific. He and 13 other scientists, British and American, made the trip together. After a summer and autumn in Colorado for a vacation, he will start again on a similar trip – this time into Burma and Tibet, looking for more old clay and stone tablets that may be uncovered where Nacal temples have been.
One of his most interesting experiences on the last trip was a visit to Ras Taffari, prince regent of Abyssinia, who took a deep liking to the captain and presented him with a palace and 50 slaves for his use whenever he is in that country.
“But for the next three months I want to forget all that,” he said. “I want to go back to Breckenridge, and Meeker and Gunnison, and up in high altitudes, and I want to fish and just be lazy.”