Category Archives: References to James’ work

These posts deal with what other authors have written about James’ works.

The AMORC’s Lemuria Part 1

A classic book on the subject of lost Pacific Ocean continents was originally published in 1931 and entitled, Lemuria The Lost Continent of the Pacific. The author’s name on the cover is “Wishar S. Cerve,” who is also known as “H. Spencer Lewis,” was the founder of the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians) in the United States and it’s first Imperator from 1915 to 1939.


I recently received an email that inquired about the identity of the person that wrote chapter six of this book, a certain Dr. James D. Ward, identified as an Eminent Disciple of Oriental Monastery Schools. The author of the email wished to know if this person could possibly be James Churchward.

In comparing the similarities between the writing of Chapter 6 of Lemuria… and Churchward’s writings, I found that both men attacked unnamed experts and promised to tell the ‘real’ truth and secondly, both witnessed historical records that nobody else has/had seen.

The differences were greater and are provided below in the table:

Ward Churchward
God was creator of Man and everything Four Sacred Forces and Supreme Consciousness created everything
Lemuria. What’s Mu ? Mu, not Lemuria
Atlanteans were another people Atlantis was a colony of Mu
Lemurians started out as perfect and digressed over time People of Mu did not digress until the great cataclysm that sunk Mu
inclined to believe that Man once walked on all fours* Evolution does not exist
Implies that Jesus was a reincarnation of one of the 12 Holy Lemurian disciples Jesus was a Master that was taught by the Nacaals.

* Yes, I realize this is a contradictory statement to the one immediately above it (see page 145 [1974 edition])

There are at least three possible answers. The first being no, although there is a similarity in the last names James Ward was not James Churchward. Another possibility was that James did write it and it was published as is. The third being that whatever James wrote was later edited. Thankfully, a subsequent email with a bio on Dr. Ward was received which indicates that James Churchward was not the author.

I found, in contrast with the works of my great-grandfather, that this book provides no references, or so it seems. In James Churchward’s books, names of famous authors and scientists, as well as scholarly books are dropped in support of the points in the narrative, however in Lemuria…, a passage near the front of the book relates that all the sources are listed together in an appendix. In part 2 we’ll compare the references in that appendix to the references that James used.

In Response To A Comment on “Genetics and the Lost Continent of Mu”

Almost five years ago I published a video entitled, “Genetics and the Lost Continent of Mu.”

A transcript is available at:

First, in the past five years, the evidence has changed. As I mentioned recently in another posting that the video was released before the discovery of Denisovian or Homo Florensis or that ‘we’ share DNA with Neaderthal. At the time, scientific evidence did not support man’s origins from the lost continent of Mu and it still does not. That is the scientific bottom line, the other bottom line is still: “Let’s try to build bridges between people instead of walls.”

One of the comments I received on the video is copied below and I am never shy about providing my thoughts (which follow.)

You say that James Churchward “named” the lost continent “Mu”. That statement is totally false and without any merit. My proof lies in the books written by Mr. Baird T. Spalding called “The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East”, a set of 7 books which were produced in 1927. The scientists in the book (including Mr. Spalding), who spoke with the Masters referred to in the books, were given the information about Mu from these Masters! This group of scientists traveled to India, Tibet, China and Persia in 1894 and as the book was published in 1927 it must have taken any number of years to compile, thus the information about “Mu” was known to Mr. Spalding long before 1927 (when you say Mr. Churchward published his own book). Again I will say that the Masters of the Far East who are documented in this set of books are the ones who told Mr. Spalding about “Mu” (which they spell “M-O-O-H”): Mr. Churchward did no such thing as NAME the lost continent – that is a ludicrous statement! The continent was known to these Masters and had been known to them for many many years, if not centuries, as Mu. Mr. Churchward is taking credit for information already printed in these books about Mu”. According to the Masters in the book (many of whom were more than hundreds of years old) Mu was already named in the tablets and other artifacts which Mr. Spalding and his friends were shown while in Asia! It is unthinkable of Mr. Churchward to say he was the one who named Mu! As it was a continent which had been around since the beginning of mankind! Churchward’s fairy story about “naming Mu” discredits him entirely. ?

My initial response in the YouTube comments section was short and to the point:

a. My great-grandfather wrote that he discovered the Naacal tablets in India in the 1860s where he first found out about Mu. His first book was written in 1926 (i.e., before 1927.)
b. I have newspaper clippings that reach back to 1924 where James talks about Mu (i.e., before 1927.)
c. Spaulding and his wife were friends of James Churchward, my great-grandfather.
You may make your accusations about being ‘false and without merit,’ but your posting makes excellent fodder to set the record straight on my blog (
btw, were you aware that Baird T. Spaulding spent time in a mental institution??

And, to the point – setting the record straight.
1. My great-grandfather did not name the sunken Pacific continent, “Mu.” According to his works, ‘Mu’ was written on the Naacal tablets which he witnessed and translated with the Rishi in India in the 1860s.

2. According to the faq at, Baird T Spalding only wrote 4 books while he was alive.

3. The purported 1894 ‘scientific’ trip to India-

Spalding was only 22 years old in 1894, and he spent most of the 1890’s in the Yukon mining for gold. Spalding’s first visit to India was in 1935 at the behest of his publisher, after the release of Life and Teaching Volume 3.
faq at

btw, there was a picture on the internet of the folks that were on their way to India in December of 1935 and James Churchward was in the picture, however he did not make the voyage as he died the next month in Los Angeles.

4. James was friends with Baird and Stella Spalding. Stella typed out the manuscript for ‘Colonies of Mu,’ a never released book.

5. James was also friends with Augustus and Alice LePlongeon in New York of the 1890s and did discuss the origins of man with them. Churchward’s work appears to be more heavily influenced by LePongeon rather than by Spalding, especially since there were no mention of interacting with the centuries-old ‘Masters.’

I offer the original commenter to post their response at their convenience.
I will gladly link their response to this posting in whatever format they desire and/or provide them a spot on the guestblog with a link as well.

Have a great day.

PS For full disclosure, I have had email communications with the researcher at in the past.

Nagas Are Mu People Too

In James Churchward’s books, one of the peoples of Mu are the Nagas. James asserts that they are associated with the symbol of the serpent because that was the symbol used to represent the Deity as the Creator. (Children of Mu page 151)

In the Children of Mu, James Churchward begins Chapter 10 as follows:

VARIOUS important lines of colonization were followed from Mu in westerly directions. There were two main lines, two secondary ones, and some small independent ones.
The lines about which most is known is the southern main line which ran from Mu to Burma, Burma to India, and from India to Babylonia and Upper Egypt (Nubia), and to the White and Blue Niles. The people who conducted this line were originally known as Nagas. Afterwards they took the names which they gave to their various settlements…
Children of Mu page 169-170

Additionally, in his scrapbooks, James clipped and labelled the following pictures: