Category Archives: References to James’ work

These posts deal with what other authors have written about James’ works.

Where Are the Turks in The Lost Continent of Mu?

While researching information for my upcoming book on the Great Uighur Empire, I ran across an article entitled “The Ancient Uighur (Uygur) Empire” by Dr. Haluk Berkmen. According to the page information, it was last updated in April 2009.

The article begins: “The present work is an investigation into the forgotten past. Its goal is to bring into light the ancient civilization that existed many thousand years ago and which is not mentioned in any history book.”

In the fifth paragraph, he unveils where he believes where this cradle of civilization originated, Central Asia, according to ‘linguists worldwide.’ The next paragraph indicates his investigation for this ancient civilization starts in Asia and the proto-language (read Sun Language) spoken there.

The next portion identifies the ancient civilization as the Ancient Uygur Empire, the Empire of the Sun and tentatively dates it to 20,000 years BP. His source, James Churchwald, British military officer and author of books on the Lost Continent of Mu (at least he was consistent, all six mentions are misspelled the same way.) He even includes quotes and the map of the Great Uighur Empire from the Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men

Map of the Great Uighur Empire

At one point, the narrative steers away from what James really wrote. Berkmen relates:

“Note that the Turks were also known under the name Mu. Therefore, the lost Mu Empire claimed by James Churchwald was another name given to the imperial nomads of Asia.”

The author’s intent becomes clear when he states:

“Recognizing this situation we will adopt the name Uighur as a generic name for these genetically, culturally and linguistically connected people. The history of these people is the history of humanity, the history of the Forgotten Past.”

To sum up his theory, the beginning of civilization on earth was created by Turks in Central Asia.

How does this stack up to what James wrote?

Does the word ‘Turk’ appears in James’ works?
A search of all James’ published English-language works (excluding the 1927 Books of the Golden Age,) reveals no use of the word, Turk; however, there is one use of a word with those four letters in sequence, Turkestan, as shown below:

TIBET —Tibet lies in Central Asia. It is bounded on the east by China, on the north by Mongolia, on the south by India, and on the west by Kashmir and Turkestan. The Gobi Desert is a part of the northern boundary. Tibet was once a part of the great Uighur Empire. This was before the mountains were raised. The country then was flat and fertile. Now it is one of the highest plateaus in the world with masses of high mountain ranges, most of which run from a westerly to an easterly direction. In the south is the highest mountain range in the world—the Himalayas. Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain, is in this range and lies within the boundaries of Tibet. Tibet has been called “the roof of the world.”
Children of Mu page 221

Does James refer to the Uighur Empire as the Empire of Mu?
In the 1926 Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men, James writes:

The Uighur was the principal colonial empire belonging to Mu at the time of the biblical “Flood,” which destroyed its eastern half.

James also writes about several other colonies, including the Naga, Caucasian, Egyptian, Hindu and Maya colonies. This basic theme is continued throughout his other works as well; Mu was the Garden of Eden where mankind first appeared. Therefore, in James theories it is clear, Mu was not another name given to the Uighur.

Does James refer to the Uighurs as Turks?
Since the word ‘Turk’ does not appear in James’ works, it would be difficult to support this assertion. In three different works, James calls his Uighur as the forefathers of the Aryan race. Quoting from the Children of Mu:

The Uighurs were all of a light complexion, milk-white skins, with varying color of eyes and hair. In the north blue eyes and light hair predominated. In the south were found those with dark hair and dark eyes.

Obviously, James had subdivisions of his ancient Uighur but called them all Aryan.

A different Uighur Empire Map

In James’ works, the Great Uighur Empire is a colony of his sunken continent of Mu lasting tens of thousands of years and encompassing most of Asia and Europe. Somehow, they end up spreading civilization around the world. Some may be forgiven if they missed the contradiction; James asserts all people came from Mu, his Garden of Eden. If everyone came from the ancient advanced civilization of Mu, who were the people that needed to be civilized? Where did they come from? James’ theory of an advanced civilization (whether it is Turks or Aryans) civilizing the world undermines James basic premise and inserts a paradox. If everybody was from Mu’s great civilization, they cannot meet other people not from Mu, or if people from Mu met other people, then Mu could not be where all the people came from. Furthermore, the use of his theory of ‘spreading civilization’ by either Turkic or Aryan peoples denies indigenous peoples their birthright. And it is wrong.

I have no control over how my great-grandfather’s words are used by others; however, I believe I have every right to point out the fallacies and how his theories are twisted to promote agendas he did not support. I also believe current researchers should abandon the use of unsubstantiated and discredited theories James espoused in the early 20th century; especially when they are used to promote racist and/or mythical nationalistic ideologies.

Please note, links to external articles are meant to provide a starting point for further investigation, should the reader so choose.

The “Thiaoouba Prophecy” and the Lost Continent of Mu

From time to time, I receive emails admonishing me to check out the Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet because it mentions the lost continent of Mu. Some correspondents have even provided a pdf copy or link to where I can read it. Originally published with the title Abduction to the 9th Planet, the book documents his time with the aliens on the planet Thiaoouba. Subtitled, Believing is not enough: you need to know, it is a cautionary tale asking the people of earth to invest time in spiritual development and eschew the materialism we chase daily. I could have copied from the online FAQ, but I think this summary suffices.

I have commented before in almost a footnote to the Ancient Aliens and James Churchward podcast episode (Oct. 2011,) about the Thiaoouba Prophecy with this quick summary”

One neglected reference to the Lost Continent of Mu and Space Aliens is the Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet. The author does include a section on Mu in the book describing his travels in a spacecraft from another galaxy. Although there are some similarities between the two Mus, there are some distinct differences.

First, James never mentioned other humanoids or non-human intelligent beings in connection with the continent of Mu.

Second, James never mentioned spacecraft or space ports in his description of Mu or its people.

These two elements are necessary to Desmarquet’s premise and indicate that despite the similarities, these are two separate Mus.

In the podcast, I did not mention Thao, the planet-jumping alien, relates the inscription on an ancient stone tablet to be the creation story, written in the Naacal language. Suspiciously, the text reads as though copied from James Churchward’s books.

Also, our protagonist Michel is permitted to engage in a psychic link to witness the destruction of Mu with the assistance of his alien friends. Watching the past unfold as channeled by the aliens provides further confirmation of the veracity of James’ work (or is it the other way around?)

I’ll concede some similarities; however the science fiction-like setting and his alien abduction set the works apart. Desmarquet’s account of his travels and exposure to higher beings formulates a tale where James’ theories are explained from a cosmic perspective. James never mentioned aliens in his works, unless the Creator, the Spirit, the ‘Superior Intelligence,’ was some being from the depths of space. James did not go there, but the Thiaoouba Prophecy does. Explained from the contact with aliens perspective, the tale dictates the truth of his narrative and renders James’ countless references to yellow journalism articles and discounted scientific theories unnecessary.

There are no proofs offered, just a plea to believe people needed to become more spiritually awakened and less materialistically motivated to prevent global catastrophe.
I didn’t need to read the Thiaoouba Prophecy come to the same conclusion.

James Churchward’s Lost Manuscripts on Mu

While researching information for my next book on the Great Uighur Empire, I was surprised to discover a letter describing manuscripts James Churchward had available in early 1926.

James is known to have published travel brochures in the 1890s (see,) and appeared on the early days of WNYC (see Newspaper accounts of his theories first appear in 1924 and his first book on those theories appeared in 1926, the Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men.

In 1924, Baird T. Spaulding’s book was published entitled “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East;” an account of his visit to the Far East and his interaction with the ancient masters with incredible powers. A post from 2015 provided some data (see on Spaulding.

In a letter dated February 20, 1926, James Churchward wrote to Stella Spaulding, Baird’s wife, to request Mr. Spaulding present a manuscript to his publisher (DeVorss & Co.) for an offer on publication. Subsequently, he mentions he has some manuscripts in fair shape.

These are the titles and his descriptions:

Mu’s Colonies and Colonial Empire – showing how the world was peopled from Mu.

The Origin and Workings of the Great Forces – showing how and what forces govern the movements of all the celestial bodies, and their origin. The forces that govern the earth’s movements – The Origin of Life, what Life is, and what forces govern it and their origin – this is my most profound work, and I would like to get it going.

Geological Phenomena – volcanic gases and their workings, which includes the great gas belts and mountain raising – there are 60 maps in this one.

James also mentions his desire to follow Mr. Spaulding’s opinion on the publication of his manuscripts. A subsequent 1926 letter from Stella Spaulding to James (contained in Lost Gems of the Lost Continent of Mu) relates Mr. Spaulding’s interest in and the great amount of time spent reading the manuscripts he received from Churchward.

A typewritten copy of “Mu’s Colonies and Colonial Empire” does exist and attempts to obtain a copy have all failed.

While it is easy to point to “Mu’s Colonies and Colonial Empire” and infer it became what is known as “Children of Mu,” and that the “Origin and Working of the Great Forces” became the “Cosmic Forces of Mu.;” however there is no corollary to the “Lost Continent of Mu” or “Sacred Symbols of Mu.” On the other hand, WR Rudge published “Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men” in 1926, the same year. Is this an indication James was looking for a better deal from a different publisher? James stayed with Rudge, even sending his neighbor a copy of “Copies of Stone Tablets Found By William Niven in Santiago Ahuizoctla near Mexico City” for Christmas 1926. His work was subsequently reorganized and published over the next few years.

Questions remain – are there other copies of these manuscripts out there? Is there additional material contained in these manuscripts and cut from his future books providing additional references or proofs?