Category Archives: Symbols

Posts that analyze symbols and how they relate to symbols attributed to the Lost Continent of Mu

James Churchward, Mu, and Australia

Recently, I became aware of a suggested link between the ‘Gosford Glyphs‘ (aka as the ‘Kariong Hieroglyphs’) in Kariong, New South Wales, Australia and the theory of the Lost Continent of Mu as described and written about by my great grandfather, James Churchward in his books.

The carvings appear on two parallel sandstone walls about 49 feet (15 m) long and appear to advance Churchward’s theory of Mu.
In particular, the highlighted carving in the following image has been interpreted as “Mu is sunk.”

Gosford Glyphs – “Mu is sunk”

A proponent of the theory published his interpretation as follows:

“Mu is sunk” carving interpretation

Unfortunately, in the 1926 ‘Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men,’ James wrote:

AUSTRALIA.—Australia appears to be particularly bare of ancient records, legends and traditions, which is not to be wondered at if my geological deductions about Australia are correct.
Geometrical figures have been found rudely carved on some of the boomerangs of the Northern tribes. The bushmen of Northern Australia are probably the lowest type of humanity on earth, lower than the ordinary forest beasts.
This sketch is a reproduction of an Australian cave painting which, without doubt, antedates their low savagery.
There are three remarkable objects in this painting: the first is Ra – the Sun – and the second is the numeral 3, symbol of Mu, shown twice, and the third is an axe.
When the English first settled in Australia, axes of any description were unknown to the savage natives.

Hands, Feet and Weapons Printed in Colors on the Walls of an Australian Cave

I have never heard of any legends or traditions having been found among the native Australians…
Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men pages 79-81

Obviously, James did not have a very high opinion of the Australian aborigines which flies in the face of his ancient advanced civilization of Mu. Since everyone came from his lost continent and there was no evolution of the human species, where did the bushmen, the “lowest type of humanity on earth, lower than the ordinary forest beasts” come from? His description of Mu as a virtual paradise with no suffering would have chased the forebears of these people into the woods to die, as he explains concerning the discovery of Neanderthal and other remains.

In their excitement over the discovery of a few old human bones, such as the Neanderthal, Piltdown, and Heidelberg man, scientists, in both Europe and America, have completely ignored and cast aside the remains of ancient man in North America. That the European remains were those of idiots and degenerates is obvious from the abnormal shapes of their skulls. Doubtless they were outcasts from civilized communities…
Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men, page 171.

In spite of evidence the carvings were created in the twentieth century, there are individuals insisting these are proof of a link between Egypt, Australia, and Mu. My only remaining question would be, how do they interpret the symbol to the left of the ‘Mu is sunk’ carving highlighted in the image below?

Have a nice day!

More “Mu Stones” Surface Part 2

Continuing from last week’s post:

I have yet to look through my notes to ascertain the corresponding number, any suggestions as to the meaning or identification of the symbols is welcomed.
The owner’s name remains private.

Past Sightings and Discussions

The Search Continues for William Niven’s Buried Cities; Parts 1-4

Links to images of William Niven Tablets from the Peabody Museum at Harvard:

Jeb Card and the Mu Stones Pt I on the ArchyFantasies Podcast.

Here are recently obtained images of Niven’s tablets from the Valley of Mexico:

An outline of the symbol on the Mu Stone shown in the video is here.

The video:

The Naacal Tablets – A Close View

More “Mu Stones” Surface

This week another sighting of the ‘Mu Stones’ was discovered on social media.
The so-called ‘Mu Stones’ were discovered by William Niven in the Valley of Mexico in the 1910s. They are an unique collection of carved rocks in all sizes, shapes, and consistencies. One person offering to translate the ‘tablets’ was my great-grandfather, James Churchward. In James’ 1926, Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men, there was an entire chapter on Niven’s Ancient Buried cities (plagiarized from the newspaper,) images of three tablets and one was interpreted, in the 1931 Lost Continent of Mu (a basic re-write of the 1926 book,) there were at least 69 images shown and translated from the Naacal symbols James had seen in India. The 1931 Children of Mu showed Niven as one of his ‘three best friends.’
I have yet to look through my notes to ascertain the corresponding number, any suggestions as to the meaning or identification of the symbols is welcomed.
The owner’s name remains private.

The remainder next week…

Past Sightings and Discussions

The Search Continues for William Niven’s Buried Cities; Parts 1-4

Links to images of William Niven Tablets from the Peabody Museum at Harvard:

Jeb Card and the Mu Stones Pt I on the ArchyFantasies Podcast.

Here are recently obtained images of Niven’s tablets from the Valley of Mexico:

An outline of the symbol on the Mu Stone shown in the video is here.

The video:

The Naacal Tablets – A Close View