Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Island Off Pakistan Coast

According to the news, the recent earthquake in Pakistan has created a new island.

Seismologists suspect the island is a temporary formation resulting from a “mud volcano,” a jet of mud, sand and water that gushed to the surface as the temblor churned and pressurized that slurry under the ocean floor.

We are told this is a temporary phenomena, but are there circumstances that cause it to become permanent?
On the other hand, there are phenomena that cause solid ground to disappear and not return…

Have a great day.

Another Piece of 300 Million Year Old Aluminium Machinery Found

Recent news indicates that another extremely ancient piece of machinery has been discovered in a piece of coal.

The article also provides other examples of Out Of Place (OOP) artifacts.

In the 1931 “Children of Mu,” on the sheet facing page 25, James Churchward showed the following OOP artifact:

Have a great day.

Clarification of comments

Recently, I came across the following contained in a discussion of my great-grandfather’s theory with regards to the structure off the shore of Okinawa.

Over the years even Churchward’s family members have contested certain facts regarding his claims. Jack Churchward, the great-grandson to James Churchward offers a conflicting report that the tablets were in fact reed or papyrus since been rejected.

I must admit that I do not remember the conversation with the author, however I do now know that the tablets my great-grandfather claimed to find in India were clay and the ones that William Niven found near Mexico City were carved in stone. The author may have caught me before I even read a word of his works.

Have a great day.