Searching for Lemulia…

I occasionally receive emails providing more evidence for the lost continent of Mu (sometimes more than occasional.)
One recent email provided information from the Manataka Indian Council website, entitled “Cosmic Return” by Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men.

In the past, I have interacted with Lee Standing Bear Moore, the contact answering emails on the Manataka Indian Council website. Their website is one of the few with information on an artifact depicted in Sacred Symbols of Mu. James called it the Mound Builders Calendar Stone, but it also known as the Arkansas or Washitaw or Manataka Calendar Stone. I covered our conversation as part of my blog post Examining the ‘Mound Builder’s Calendar Stone’

I imagine the reason behind someone sending the link was because it mentioned “Lemuria.” As presented in What’s the Difference Between Lemuria and Mu?, sometimes the names are interchangeable, sometimes not. Another factor are the many differences between what each theory holds as defining Lemuria or Mu. Submerged land appears to be the only common denominator.

Who is Hunbatz Men?
Hunbatz Men is variously identified as a Mayan Shaman, a daykeeper, Ceremonial leader, or a Mayan Elder. He is the author of Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion and other books. He writes in the article the Mayan word for Lemuria is Lemulia and how his people remember their time in Atlantiha (Atlantis.)
Another article on the Manataka Indian Council website, entitled, “The Cosmic New Age has Commenced” is also authored by Hunbatz Men. He writes about a ceremony at the Kukulcan Pyramid in Chichen Itza held on December 21, 2012. During the ceremony he spoke with people of different dimensions while circumambulating the pyramid. It is his belief the Kukulcan pyramid exists in different dimensions. The crystal skull sent from Tibet (and named NAGA K’U) aided them in the ceremony. To quote the text:

This sacred crystal skull was always with us during the whole of the ritual. All the energy it projected to us, together with the energy of the initiates who were with us, contributed to the fulfillment of part of the prophecies. Only with the help and energy projected by Naga K’u and the spirits of the high Tibetan teachers, who were always with us in spirit, we were able to complete our sacred mission.

An article from the (Secrets Revealed Mysteries Explained,) MAYAN CRYSTAL SKULLS indicates Hunbatz men was one of three Mayan elders to speak before the United Nations. Videos are available.

Another article from the same website outlines the Hunbatz Men Sacred Pilgrimage Journey. Starting in Manhattan, NYC the pilgrimage was to cross the US visiting sacred sites and performing ceremonies with crystal skulls. On 11-11-11 he met up with 13 Mayan elders and 13 crystal skulls for the Gateway Ceremony in Los Angeles.

The search for Lemulia/Lemuria does not go much farther after looking at Hunbatz Men’s activities. The claim of crystal skulls being pre-Columbian Mesoamerican artifacts is a known falsehood. Scientific examination of the surface on those examined indicates the use of high-speed rotary tools, something unavailable prior to the 18th century. Also, the scientific community rejects claims of paranormal phenomena associated with crystal skulls or any connection to Central American mythos. Frankly, it appears this just more New Age drivel, commonly labelled Mayanism.

Musings on Mu with Jack Churchward – Night-Light / Spiritually Speaking Interview – April 2020/

Recently, Mark Eddy and Barbara DeLong from the Night-Light / Spiritually Speaking radio show had me on their show. The recording is provided below.

Comments welcome.

Father Crespi and the Lost Continent of Mu

When Eric Von Daniken published Gold of the Gods in 1973, it provided an amazing account of a search through the Cueva de los Tayos, the Tayos Cave. Inside was a library of metal plates, gold artifacts and evidence of an ancient, advanced civilization. Father Crespi, a Salesian monk living in Cuenca, Ecuador obtained some of them and eventually amassed a large collection of artifacts. The video below shows some of the artifacts and a portion of the metal library.

In previous postings, the subject of the Tayos Cave has been addressed (see Follow-up on the Cueva de Los Tayos (Tayos Cave).)

Father Crespi

To summarize:
An Ecuadorian Major (Petronio Jaramillo,) stationed in Cuenca, Ecuador created a story after he retired about a cave with ancient artifacts and a metal library of ancient knowledge. Juan Moricz learned about the story and told it to Eric Von Daniken. Von Daniken included the tale (and embellishments) in his book, Gold of the Gods. Subsequent expeditions to the cave have shown no evidence of either Jaramillo’s or Von Daniken’s claims. One element of the story is the ‘metal library.’ Metal plates did exist in the collection of Father Crespi, however, as will be shown, they were/are not a library of ancient knowledge.

Pino Turolla in Beyond the Andes – My Search for the Origins of Pre-Inca Civilization relates visiting with Father Crespi and examining his collection, including the metal plates.

“If I needed any further proof of the doubtful origins of the collection, it came when, with a rather hushed reverence, Father Crespi removed a yellowish metal orb from a concave plate, extended it towards me, and said: “Very ancient, my son, very ancient – with glyphics.” I looked closely at this mysterious orb and it proved to be a float from a toilet mechanism, bearing the legend “RF” (Republique francaise). I chuckled and looked at Father Crespi, thinking he was playing a joke on me. But his face was very serious as he said, “very old, my son, probably three thousand years before the birth of our Lord.”
Beyond the Andes – My Search for the Origins of Pre-Inca Civilization – page 167

After speaking with Father Crespi, Turolla visited the Father Superior, Father Pedro Lova, to ask about the collection. He asked why a barn should house the valuable collection and was answered, “we don’t have the money.” Many months later after becoming better acquainted Father Lova confessed that Father Crespi’s collection was an embarrassment both to himself and the order. When asked if he knew where the collection came from, Father Lova said Father Crespi was secretive and asked if Turolla would find out for him.

At first, I found myself confronted with a wall of silence as I checked around, talking to oldtimers in the area about Father Crespi. There was a definite reticence on their part; but gradually the story emerged. Decades ago, Father Crespi’s mind began to change and he became fascinated with the idea that the ancient Ecuadorian civilizations had sprung from Egypt. He believed that one of the Pharaohs had left Egypt and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the mouth of the Amazon. Then he navigated this great river, crossed the east Andean range, and established himself with his court in the southern part of what today is known as Ecuador. Father Crespi gathered together books and pictures of Egyptian, Phoenician, and other Old World cultures, gave them to the natives, and said: “If you ever find anything like this, bring it to me, and I will reward you.”

The Indians and mestizos, being only too glad to oblige, took the pictures and made artifacts according to the designs they had been given. Then they brought them to Father Crespi, telling him they had been found in tolas, tombs, landslides, or whatever. This exchange had been going on for many decades; Father Crespi’s collection continued to grow and some of the native craftsmen had become quite expert in the fabrication and decoration of “ancient” objects made from very modern bronze, brass, copper, and tin.
Beyond the Andes – My Search for the Origins of Pre-Inca Civilization – page 169

The Central Bank of Ecuador purchased many of the artifacts after Father Crespi passed away, however the ‘metal library’ was not among them and remained missing for years.

In March 2016, an internet report yielded that a group of researchers visited Ecuador and saw the artifacts from the Father Crespi collection as well as the “metal library.” The artifacts have been well-cared for, catalogued and housed in storage rooms in the Central Bank of Ecuador. On the other hand, the locked storage area of a dilapidated old building housed the “metal library” in a different location. The scattered plates were obviously not considered to be of any value. In the words of the researchers, “they still looked like little more than modern-day carvings on cheap metal.”