In Part 1, we examined quotes from William Niven contained in Louis E. Hills’ book entitled, Historical Data from Ancient Records and Ruins of Mexico and Central America. In this follow-up, we examine writings from and about William Niven. Please note this is not a complete list. As demonstrated below, some articles appeared more than once with the exact same text. Most images open links to the referenced article.
REMARKABLE DISCOVERY OF THE RUINS OF A PREHISTORIC CITY IN MEXICO – The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal – Volume 18 – Jan-Nov 1896 page 323-324
No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
A Lost City That was Larger than London;
The San Francisco Examiner Sat Nov 7, 1896

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
The Land of Bones; The South Western Farmer and American Horticulturist (Wichita, Kansas) Thu Apr_1, 1897

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
The Land of Bones; Kansas City Daily Tribune (Kansas City, Kansas) · Fri, Apr 2, 1897
The Land of Bones; The Valley Falls New Era (Valley Falls, Kansas) Sat Apr 3, 1897
The Land of Bones; The Lebanon Journal (Lebanon, Kansas) Sat, Apr 3, 1897
The Land of Bones; The Galena Evening Times (Galena, Kansas) Fri, Apr 9, 1897
The Land of Bones; Evening Messenger (Marshall, Texas) Sat, Apr 10, 1897
The Land of Bones; The Ozark County News (Gainesville, Missouri) Thu Apr 29, 1897
Content same as above.
No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
Prehistoric Relics in Mexico; St Louis Dispatch (St. Louis, Missouri) Mar 7, 1987

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
Prehistoric Mexican City; New York Times July 24, 1897
Part 1 – Part 2
No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
A Layer of Human Bones; Greensboro Telegram (Greensboro, North Carolina) Wed, Dec 22, 1897

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
Finds a Vast Charnel House; Argus Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota) Dec. 24, 1897

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
Omitlan, a Prehistoric City of Mexico; pages 217-222
The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal, Volume 19;
No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
Discoveries in Mexico; Fort Wayne News – May 27, 1899

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
Relics of Old Mexican Races; Muskogee Democrat August 9, 1904

Find Remains of Old Race; Gettysburg Times Apr 12, 1910

No giants, no larger than normal people
Traces of Race Preceding the Toltecs; Buffalo Evening News, Apr 12, 1910

No giants, no larger than normal people
Ruins of Ancient Mexico City Found; The Inquirer (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) Sat, Oct 22, 1910

Claims to Have Found Aztec Wolf God; San Antonio Light And Gazette November 3, 1910

Find Aztec Relics; Middlebury Independent May 19, 1911

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
5 Strange Discoveries – 1 An American Pompeii – Smothered in Volcanic Ashes 50,000 Years Ago; The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, California) Sun, Nov 19, 1911

No giants, no larger than normal people
Ancient American History; El Paso Herald (El Paso, Texas) Sat, Mar 2, 1912

Part 1 – part 2
No giants, no larger than normal people
City of 3000 B.C. Found in Mexico; The New York Times (New York, New York) Sun, Dec 1, 1912

Mentions the tomb of a “man of not more than five feet in height”
City of 3000 B.C. Found in Mexico; Grand Forks Herald (Grand Forks, North Dakota) Wed, Dec 4, 1912

No giants, no larger than normal people mentioned in text
Lost City is Found; Enterprise-Times (Perry, Oklahoma) Tue, Jan 14, 1913

Excavations in Old Mexico Show People of the Orient Once Lived on Our Continent; Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, Arkansas) Mon, Nov 17, 1913

Mentions a room with the “bones of a man who had been of gigantic stature.”
Mexico Powerful Nation 5000 Years Ago; American Excavators’ Amazing Discoveries in Mexico City as War Gathers; Muskogee Times-Democrat (Muskogee, Oklahoma) Fri, Apr 24, 1914

Article shows picture of large skull, however the article states that Niven placed the skull in his canvas bag, so it must not be as large as the picture implies.
Wonders of Prehistoric Mexico; The Morning Union (Grass Valley, California) Sun, May 27, 1917

No giants, no larger than normal people
There is an article mentioning bones of A man of gigantic stature; however that doesn’t indicate a race of giants lived in Mexico or prove Hills’ version of Mormon history.
One thing to consider is the Mexican Revolution lasted from 1910 to 1920 and at times became very bloody and dominated the news.
If there are other writings from or about Niven’s work that reference giants, please send a link via email.
I will update the posting and maybe my findings.