The Adam And Eve Story…

I was gifted some time ago with a link to a video entitled Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations… with the admonition: “It talks about MU being part of CIA declassified documents.”

The video opens a lot of different avenues to create new conspiracy theories from the document as well as bashing scientists as essentially clueless buffoons, tools of the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers or George Soros. Supposedly the document was originally 200+ pages long and sanitized to 57 pages, therefore allowing over 150 pages of conjecture into what the government is hiding from us. Fair warning, you will never get the 39 minutes back after watching it.

The document in question is actually on the CIA website as a sanitized declassified document. The pdf can be downloaded from here.

Actually, the complete ‘document’ is a published book entitled, “The Adam And Eve Story: The History Of Cataclysms” by Chan Thomas. Of course, we will never know why most of the pages were sanitized; maybe someone scribbled sensitive information in the margins or some of his information was too sensitive for the public. The part about Mu was not among the sensitive data sanitized, so James Churchward’s theories must not be harmful to national security.

You can do a quick web search and find that the entire original book is available for purchase from multiple sources. I would first suggest visiting and looking at the resources there for a complete (and free) copy.

Location for Painting Identified

In October 2014, I posted an image of a James Churchward painting and asked if anyone recognized the location.


One astute individual earlier this year did a bit of looking around and may have found the location.
According to his email, the location is Gunwalloe Church Cove Beach, Cornwall.

© Graham Horn and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Have a great day.

The “Law of Manu”

In researching my book on the Great Uighur Empire, I ran across the “Book of Manu” as a historical reference placing the Uighur people around the shores of the Caspian Sea in the 1931 Children of Mu (page 220.) Digging a little deeper, the Laws of Manu, also known as the Book of Manu, the Manava Dharma Sastra, or the Manusmriti, is an ancient book of the laws guiding social and religious life in 2nd and 3rd century BCE India.

In the 1926 Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men, James Churchward mentions the Manava Dharma Sastra and cites it three times (although he misspells it Dharma Lastra once.) Two mentions are almost direct quotations from Augustus LePlongeon’s 1896 Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx (see Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of My Motherland of Men [Appendix 2 page 20].) The third mention is:

“Manava Dharma Sastra, a Hindu book, refers to the Serpent as the Creator.”

I actually found one occurrence of the word “serpent’ in one of the 2684 verses.

A twice-born man, who is unable to atone by gifts for the slaughter of a serpent and the other (creatures mentioned), shall perform for each of them, a Krikkhra (penance) in order to remove his guilt.
Chapter 11 Verse 140, (

Obviously, James did not reference this passage or the word “serpent” as his proof.

On the other hand, both the Manava Dharma Sastra and James do mention Narayana. James identifies Narayana as “The Seven Headed Serpent, the symbol of the Creator and Creation” and provides illustrations.

Narayana, The Seven Headed Serpent. The symbol of the Creator and Creation
Nara means the Divine One; Yana – creator of all things; Naacals – seven superlative intellects; Vendanta – seven mental planes

So to James, Narayana, his seven-headed serpent, was the creator and provides support for his statement that the Manava Dharma Sastra referred to the serpent as creator.

Examining the Buhler translation of the Manava Dharma Shastra, the following passage speaking of Narayana:

“The waters are called narah, (for) the waters are, indeed, the offspring of Nara; as they were his first residence (ayana), he thence is named Narayana.”
Chapter 1 Verse 10, (

Further investigation indicates Narayana is another name for Lord Vishnu, the absolute being in Hinduism.

Lord Narayana/Hari

If we are searching for the truth about James’ writings, we would need to acknowledge his errors such as the wrong translation of the name of Narayana, the replacement of Lord Vishnu with a seven-headed serpent, and that the Manava Dharma Sastra does not refer to the serpent as the creator.

As far as the historical reference which opened this discussion, the idea the Book of Manu is a history book recording the presence of the Uighur around the Caspian Sea is false. The Laws of Manu is a compilation of rules and regulations. It is not a history book and does not record the presence of Uighur settlements around the Caspian Sea.

Have a great day