From time to time, I receive emails admonishing me to check out the Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet because it mentions the lost continent of Mu. Some correspondents have even provided a pdf copy or link to where I can read it. Originally published with the title Abduction to the 9th Planet, the book documents his time with the aliens on the planet Thiaoouba. Subtitled, Believing is not enough: you need to know, it is a cautionary tale asking the people of earth to invest time in spiritual development and eschew the materialism we chase daily. I could have copied from the online FAQ, but I think this summary suffices.
I have commented before in almost a footnote to the Ancient Aliens and James Churchward podcast episode (Oct. 2011,) about the Thiaoouba Prophecy with this quick summary”
One neglected reference to the Lost Continent of Mu and Space Aliens is the Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet. The author does include a section on Mu in the book describing his travels in a spacecraft from another galaxy. Although there are some similarities between the two Mus, there are some distinct differences.
First, James never mentioned other humanoids or non-human intelligent beings in connection with the continent of Mu.
Second, James never mentioned spacecraft or space ports in his description of Mu or its people.
These two elements are necessary to Desmarquet’s premise and indicate that despite the similarities, these are two separate Mus.
In the podcast, I did not mention Thao, the planet-jumping alien, relates the inscription on an ancient stone tablet to be the creation story, written in the Naacal language. Suspiciously, the text reads as though copied from James Churchward’s books.
Also, our protagonist Michel is permitted to engage in a psychic link to witness the destruction of Mu with the assistance of his alien friends. Watching the past unfold as channeled by the aliens provides further confirmation of the veracity of James’ work (or is it the other way around?)
I’ll concede some similarities; however the science fiction-like setting and his alien abduction set the works apart. Desmarquet’s account of his travels and exposure to higher beings formulates a tale where James’ theories are explained from a cosmic perspective. James never mentioned aliens in his works, unless the Creator, the Spirit, the ‘Superior Intelligence,’ was some being from the depths of space. James did not go there, but the Thiaoouba Prophecy does. Explained from the contact with aliens perspective, the tale dictates the truth of his narrative and renders James’ countless references to yellow journalism articles and discounted scientific theories unnecessary.
There are no proofs offered, just a plea to believe people needed to become more spiritually awakened and less materialistically motivated to prevent global catastrophe.
I didn’t need to read the Thiaoouba Prophecy come to the same conclusion.
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