Fan Art: The Blueprint

One of the positive results of James Churchward’s works is the community of his true believers. While we might not all agree on everything James wrote, I have found the community to be filled with basically friendly and tolerant individuals.

Recently, my publisher sent an email connecting me with an artist on Instagram, the artist was so inspired by “The Children of Mu,” the following drawing was created:

Artwork Title: The Blueprint

Description: The inner part of the drawing displays the symbols of heaven and earth in a repetitive pattern. The repeating pattern symbolizes the idea of multiple dimensions all existing at once. The center triangle is a portal (of which I’ve had a vision of in the past and is the bases of most of my art pieces) The Portal naturally represents a way to and from the through and through.

The outer infinity symbols represent two things at once. The first is eternal life. The second is angels/aliens/guardians. These, in particular, are surrounding and guarding all dimensions as well as possibly powering and operating the portals.

If you wish to contact the artist, send an email and I’ll pass along your email address and any kind words you wish to invoke.

Have a great day!

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