Followup to Sunken Sea of Galilee Stone Structure

As discussed in “Underwater Stone Structure Discovered in Sea of Galilee,” a mysterious ancient stone structure that would dwarf Stonehenge was discovered in the Sea of Galilee.

Another article with further information is available entitled, “Mysterious Sea of Galilee stone structure part of ancient ‘well-organized society’ – Israeli scientists.” As the title suggests, some level of organization was necessary to build this 4,000 year structure.

This article is dated the same as the previous article, but provides more information.

As previously stated, more news, research and analysis is sure to follow to provide more information of this ancient inundated structure.

Have a great day.

Ancient European Inscriptions Decrypted?

According to an article entitled, “Did Vicans Invent Writing Before The Sumerians And Egyptians? Cryptographer Translates Tartaria Tablets,” the Tartaria tablets discovered in 1961 in Romania have been decoded.

Tartaria Tablets

Until recently the writing on these 7300 year old tablets had not been recognized and they predate the world’s oldest known writing from Egypt and Sumeria.

As the age of civilization keeps being pushed back further and the paradigm continues to shift, the prospect of ancient advanced civilizations looks promising. Did the catastrophic end of these ancient advanced civilizations leave just enough knowledge available that it inspired later generations to begin a journey away from the savagery that resulted from the demise of their culture/civilization?

Have a great day.

Evidence of Polynesian Roots for South American People

According to the article, “Study Links Brazilians to Polynesians,” the land bridge across the Bering Straits theory for human population of the Americas is being challenged with new scientific evidence.

An early people, the Botocudo, are found to share DNA with Polynesian people.

There are many possible ways to interpret the data, but one way would be to mention that perhaps we don’t have all the information yet.
Maybe there was not just one way to get to America in ancient times, perhaps there were ancient established oceanic trade routes.

Have a great day.