An Interview with Dick Lowdermilk


Dear friends,This past Saturday (April 29, 2006,) I spent some time with Dick Lowdermilk of South Carolina. Dick recently purchased the rights and published the updated version of “My Friend Churchey and His Lost Sunken Island of Mu,” the biography of James Churchward.
Originally penned in 1937 by Percy Tate Griffith, this work had remained unpublished for over sixty years. The original manuscript remained in the procession of his daughter Joan, and portions that had reportedly been lost, have been found. This work shows a different side of James – by someone who knew him over the course of decades.
As James’ long-time friend and patent attorney, PTG, as he was also known, provides an account from the perspective of someone whose karmic threads are intertwined, not a casual acquaintance. PTG witnessed first hand the discussions between James Churchward and Dr. Augustus LePlongeon in his mother’s parlor as well as countless other encounters. PTG even represented ‘Churchey’ in a $1,000,000 lawsuit against a major steel corporation. Percy Tate Griffith’s first hand knowledge, observations, and recollections are the clearest glimpse of James, the person. The table of contents and complete first chapter of the original manuscript have been scanned and are available online at
I recorded a short, unrehearsed and informal podcast and it is available for download. A transcript will be made available shortly.
Click for Podcast
To order a copy of the 1937 biography of James Churchward, entitled: “My Friend Churchey and His Lost Sunken Island of Mu,” please contact Dick Lowdermilk directly.

Dick Lowdermilk
PO Box 587
Sandy Springs, South Carolina 29677
Or telephone him at 864-224-7945

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